N-day Recurring Reminder:
- Set up: Enter a name for your event, the desired "Start Date", and the number of days between each reminder in the "# of Days" column. The "End Date" and “CountDown” bar will automatically calculate based on your inputs.
- Resetting the Countdown: Once an event is complete and you'd like to initiate a new countdown cycle, simply update the "Start Date" to reflect the date the task was last completed. This will trigger a new countdown based on your specified recurrence interval.
Single-Event Countdown:
- Set up: Input the "Event name" and the designated "Deadline". The "Days Left" countdown will automatically commence.
- Managing Status: You can modify the event "Status" at any time. Events marked as "Done" will be moved to the bottom of the list, while those with statuses "Not started", "Fail", or "In progress" will remain at the top.
Leverage this template to enhance your task organization and boost your productivity. Enjoy!
N-day Recurring Reminder
Single-event countdown